The doctors at Huntington Ear Nose Throat Head & Neck specialize in treating sinus and nasal disorders ranging from chronic sinusitis to severe nosebleeds.
An estimated 37 million Americans suffer from sinusitis each year. Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease where the tissue lining of your sinuses swell. Your sinuses should be filled with air, but when they become blocked and filled with fluid, they can become infected. Sinus blockage can be caused by a number of factors, ranging from the common cold to more serious conditions, such as having a deviated septum.
Balloon Sinuplasty
Balloon Sinuplasty (BSP) is a safe and effective sinus procedure for patients seeking relief from chronic sinusitis symptoms. Unlike traditional sinus surgery, Balloon Sinuplasty requires no cutting and no removal of bone and tissue. Balloon Sinuplasty (BSP) uses a small, flexible, balloon catheter to open up blocked sinus passageways and facilitate drainage of accumulating mucus.
How Balloon Sinuplasty Works
- Step 1: A balloon catheter is inserted into the inflamed sinus.
- Step 2: The balloon is inflated to expand the sinus opening.
- Step 3: Saline is sprayed into the inflamed sinus to flush out the pus and mucus.
- Step 4: The system is removed, leaving the sinuses open.
Balloon Sinuplasty In-Office
Balloon Sinuplasty is now available to eligible patients as a procedure performed in your doctor’s office, under local anesthesia. Your physician will recommend the best approach for you.
- Local anesthesia
- Fast recovery
- Comfortable surroundings
- High patient satisfaction
- Potential for significant cost savings
Polyp Removal
PolypVac is a unique option for removing polyps in the office. Nasal polyps are relatively common growths in the lining of the nose, occurring in approximately two percent of the general population. They can block nasal passages, preventing normal sinus drainage and leading to difficulties breathing, smelling, and sleeping. Polyps may take different forms, ranging from broad and pillow-like to tear-drop-shaped. Their exact cause is unknown, but they result from inflammation and are often associated with infection, asthma, allergies, aspirin sensitivity, and immune disorders. Unfortunately, nasal polyps frequently recur, often coming back over time even with treatment. Long-term management of nasal polyps involves treating the polyps and their symptoms, as well as attempting to prevent their recurrence.